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Twarc Tutorials

Documentation here is largely auto generated from the code, which may not always be the most user friendly. Others have written great totorials on using twarc, and these are linked here.

UVA Library's Scholars' Lab Twarc Tutorial

Great beginner guide that also goes through command line and Python setup. Uses twarc for v1.1 API examples, not twarc2.

Guide from TwitterDev

Twitter have released a 101 guide on using the Academic Access endpoints. It uses twarc2 as a library as opposed to command line, and gives code examples in R too.

Twitter Data Collection & Analysis

Lesson from Introduction to Cultural Analytics & Python

Getting Data from Twitter: A twarc tutorial

Uses twarc for v1.1 endpoints and has step by step examples for using some of the /utils scripts.

UCSB Library Twarc Tutorials

Uses both twarc and twarc2

Introduction to full archive searching using twarc v2

An example of using twarc2 search, but be sure to install twarc using pip install twarc not the link to the v2 branch zip.